Commercially developed , wuzhou was a commercial center and the economic lifeline of guangxi in modern times 摘要近代梧州商业特别发达,是全省商业之中心,曾一度控制着全省的经济命脉,是广西经济的重心。
The 343 - km 213 - mile andaman trunk road , completed in 1989 , was designed as an economic lifeline to link the island chain 长约343公里213英里的安达曼干道于1989年竣工。它被设计成连接安达曼列岛的经济交通线。
Because the investment scale of bot is large and it is the project of infrastructure that concerns the economic lifeline of the host country so it will greatly be affected by the environment of laws of the government of the host country . and on the other hand it will face many changeable factors possibly occurs with the long period construction , great the benefits and multitudinous participants and also with the complex relationship of laws 因为bot项目投资规模大,且bot项目为基础设施工程,关系东道国的经济命脉,因此项目受东道国政府法律环境等影响大;另外bot项目工期长,工程利益参与人众多,法律关系复杂,因此面临的可变因素很多。
China ’ s state - owned enterprises is an important national economic base , and on the country ’ s economic lifeline , the development of a bearing on the country ’ s destiny ; however , the long - term state institutions , lead to the government ’ s socio - economic functions and management functions , confusing with the owners of state assets 随着经济全球化和科学技术的迅猛发展,越来越多的企业开始认识到单凭企业自身的力量很难在竞争日趋激烈的市场环境中求得生存和发展。企业资产重组作为社会资源的一种再配置机制,是科学技术进步和生产社会化发展规律的普遍要求。